Recently, pasta maker Ronzoni announced that they will be discontinuing their iconic pastina—a tiny star-shaped macaroni, and the smallest-sized pasta in their lineup. Pastina...
Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note...
Panasonic has revealed the capabilities of its revived Technics turntables at the CES tech show in Las Vegas.Two Technics SL-1200 models were unveiled –...
Great news for audiophiles, vinyl lovers, disc jockeys and those with extensive collections of long-playing records: Technics turntables are back and better than ever...
Highlights, lowlights and the downright bizzaro. Perhaps more so than any other in recent memory, this year’s CES boasted a huge number of turntable,...
Hi, what are you looking for?Watch a documentary on a pair of landmark product releases and the ways they upended global culture.ByPublishedFlipboardRedditPinterestWhatsappWhatsappEmailArticle by E....