Recently, pasta maker Ronzoni announced that they will be discontinuing their iconic pastina—a tiny star-shaped macaroni, and the smallest-sized pasta in their lineup. Pastina...
Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note...
Photos and full tech specs as an icon returns…Technics revealed the first new 1210 turntable in almost 15 years yesterday (Saturday 4th February) with...
Now reading:Share this:Originally published on The Vinyl FactoryTargeted at DJs on a budget.Numark has unveiled a new affordable direct-drive turntable, the NTX1000.Designed from the...
And it looks pretty awesome…Timestep, the Devon based company that custom fits Technics decks and other hi-fi gear, have modified Technics’ SL 1210GR turntable.The...
Now reading:Share this:Originally published on The Vinyl FactoryTargeted at DJs on a budget.Numark has unveiled a new affordable direct-drive turntable, the NTX1000.Designed from the...