Recently, pasta maker Ronzoni announced that they will be discontinuing their iconic pastina—a tiny star-shaped macaroni, and the smallest-sized pasta in their lineup. Pastina...
Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note...
News AnywayThe latest news and views from around the world Decks Designed for Colourful Custom Rigs to Start Shipping Imminently Technics Limited Edition SL1200M7L...
Now reading:Share this:The new direct drive turntable comes in the classic Technics black.Technics has unveiled its first turntable aimed at DJs since the SL-1200...
The next direct-drive turntable I know of is the solid-chassis Technics SP-10, which was introduced to recording studio and radio station markets in 1969....
Home • DJ Gear • Toe-to-Toe: Pioneer PLX 1000 vs Technics 1200 TurntablesOur reviews are based on extensive research, community driven DJ surveys and, when possible,...