Recently, pasta maker Ronzoni announced that they will be discontinuing their iconic pastina—a tiny star-shaped macaroni, and the smallest-sized pasta in their lineup. Pastina...
Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note and support independent journalism.Become a friend of Ransom Note...
DJ Techtools – The largest community for DJ and producer techniques, tutorials, and tips. Traktor secrets, controller reviews, a massive MIDI mapping library, and...
Sicaria Sound, Girls Don’t Sync, Ambient Babestation Meltdown, Hannah Holland and Tash LC are among the many acts confirmed to playA new one-day festival,...
The beginner-friendly Pioneer DDJ-200 can import music from Spotify, Soundcloud, Beatport and Deezer.The legendary Pioneer DJ has just released its most beginner-friendly mixer yet,...